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Friday, July 5, 2013

Natural Remedies For Prostate Enlargement

Natural Remedies For Prostate Enlargement

Natural remedies are available to help treat the symptoms of prostate enlargement or Friendly Prostatic Hyperplasia ( BPH ). These natural remedies can help reduce the size of the prostate and alleviate its symptoms such as urine dribbling, challenging urination, frequent urinating, etc.
Although medicines are also available, which have been proven effective in relieving prostate enlargement symptoms, they often give side effects that may add to the discomfort of BPH. Hence, natural remedies longing be your first line of defense castigate the condition.
Organic foods are natural remedies for prostate enlargement that help in reducing your exposure to pesticides, herbicides, and hormones. You should combine in your diet fresh, unprocessed, and curt foods such as vegetables, fruits, filthy lucre, nuts, cold - water fish such as sardines, red, mackerel, and tuna, and whole grains.
You should also reduce or eliminate consuming fried, dairy, and refuse foods, as well as sugar, flour, hydrogenated oils, caffeine, and alcohol, as these are known to decrease prostate health. You should also consider eliminating food sensitivities. This is different from food allergies, which are triggered by immune response. Food sensitivity can be described as a physiological reaction, such as diarrhea or headache, to food without the reaction of the immune system.
Drinking powerful of water contributes incredibly to the health of your prostate. The amount that you need to consume everyday can be calculated by multiplying your body weight in ounces by 0. 5. For model, if you are 200 pounds, you should consume 100 ounces of water everyday.
Supplements are also great natural remedies that get behind prostate health. These provide fresh nutrients for your prostate.
Amino Acids – Among these are alinine, glutamic acid, and glycine. The daily - recommended dose of these is 200 mg each. These natural remedies reduce urination frequency, unpunctual jumping-off place of urine gallop, and urinary occasion.
Beta - sitosterol – This reduces BPH symptoms when sold daily in 3 discrete doses totaling 120 mg. This also lowers cholesterol levels, which is essential as having high levels of cholesterol may cause prostate enlargement.
Flaxseed Oil – The full effects of this natural remedy for prostate enlargement can be au fait when keen 1 tbsp. daily. This is loaded in EFA ( essential fatty acid ), which helps prevent cancer.
Prostate enlargement is not always deadpan. This condition often hits men that are in their 40s and exceeding. Although the condition may pose little threat, men should still be aware of the symptoms of prostate enlargement and retain these natural remedies to ice a healthy prostate.
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